From The Inside

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I always hate to see the end of the summer, but Autumn is just so amazing here. There is some sort of comforting feeling that comes as the nights draw in, something that reminds me of childhood. Bundling up in warm clothes, drinking PG Tips with lots of milk and sugar, baking cookies and lots of sleep.

I'm so lucky to be able to get away to the ocean whenever I can. Walked along the nearly deserted beach last weekend, with Mum and Bella. I know I am going to end up living by the ocean one day soon, especially now that the city noises that used to comfort me, are beginning to drive me insane. Loud voices make me run away and/or give me an immediate splitting headache.

I can't wait to go back to Mum's in two weeks - the leaves will have started changing and all the tourists will be long gone.