Rookie - new magazine for teenage girls

I know, I know, I'm 33 years old, and not a teenage girl anymore (with no real inkling to even want to go back there again), but this new magazine deserves boatloads of promotion.
Back when I was a teenager, growing up in France, there really wasn't any type of publication that catered towards the more alternative, somewhat subordinate, teen, and I always wondered why I didn't start writing the perfect magazine myself... Of course, I never did, but these lovely ladies at Rookie did. Enjoy reading it and pass the word along!

I actually am lucky enough to personally know one of the contributors: Stephanie Kuehnert, a wonderful writer, and a wonderful person all-round. Once you have checked out Rookie, you should read Stephanie's blog, and then buy her books. Links below - you will love them. I like to gift her books to my female friends, because they really are excellent, and everyone finds a piece of themselves in them.

Stephanie Kuehnert - official site
Stephanie's Blog