From The Inside

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The Other Side of the River - Alda P. Dobbs

Last year I read Barefoot Dreams of Petra Luna by Alda P. Dobbs, and thoroughly enjoyed it - which is why I was super happy to find out that there was a sequel in the works! The Other Side of the River picks up from where Barefoot Dreams of Petra Luna left off - in the refugee camp in Texas, on the other side of the river from the country Petra and her family were fleeing from. Petra and her family must now figure out how to survive in the US, while continuing to yearn for the Mexico they have lost and Petra’s father who was abducted by the federales.

Petra struggles to find work that will allow them to stay in the US, so she takes a chance and buys some tickets for San Antonio, where she and her family start to settle down. There is work, albeit not stable, and a place they can call home, as well as new friends, and a way for Petra to continue to aspire towards her dreams of learning to read and write.

You can’t help falling in love with Petra: she’s tough and resilient, constantly looking out for her family, but she is also still a child, and I love how the author maintains that balance through the narrative. I also love how the author provides an accurate and detailed history lesson into a part of Mexican and US history that I think is important for us all to understand - and this book also provides an outline for the fight that continues to take place in Mexico, where indigenous Mexicans are still treated like lesser citizens. I know that this book was written for children, but honestly it can be read and enjoyed by everyone - the writing is smart, inclusive, and makes you feel like you are right there with Petra and her family. Highly recommended, again!!